Pulley Alignment
Lasalign specialise in Laser Pulley Alignment.
We have also introduced a new Pulley/Sheave Laser Alignment Tool which is easy to use and far more efficient and effective than other methods.
For more information or a QUOTE please contact Lasalign | Laser Alignment and Reliability Services on 0412 169 187
Pulley/Sheave Laser Alignment Tool | Pulley Alignment
- Misalignment and guesswork will eventually destroy your expensive equipment
- Our new laser alignment tools solves these type of problems.
- Premature failure and accelerated belt and pulley wear are a thing of the past.
- Step into the future with this American Made laser Alignment Tool. It’s economical , portable, with very little training required.
The LASER and magnetic targets set up in minutes, showing you exactly what to do.
- Reduce vibration
- Extend the life of belts and pulleys
- Aids proper belt tensioning
- Eliminates downtime and production delays
Comes with adjustable targets for pulleys of different thicknesses.
Alignment with a string or straight edge normally takes two mechanics. With our laser alignment tool, one operator can
align pulleys quickly and easily. All adjustments are “live” and easy to accomplish accurately.